Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rules for Writers Chapter 48

Chapter 48 was talking about different argumentative tactics, which are called logical fallacies. They talked about stereotyping. And that we see what we want to see, because we notice evidence confirming our own opinions. They talked a lot about the truth. Analogies are points that are similar between two things that are different. They gave a lot of examples having to do with lawyers and different court systems. There is a reasonable and unreasonable analogy and it’s hard to tell the difference between them to. They talked about causes and effects and how they are so complex. They talked about making assumptions which it is a claim that is taken to be true without proof. All arguments are based on assumptions. But also there are problems with assumptions, like failing to spell out and prove a claim that is controversial. I really like how they gave examples of each thing and each reasoning’s, because it helped me understand it way more. They talked about legitimate and unfair emotional appeals. They have that there is no problem in appealing to readers emotions. All arguments have a lot of issues having to do with emotional issues. They talked about arguments we see in the media they try to win our sympathy rather than our intelligent agreement. After that they talked about opposing views, views of other people, and how to quote opposing views. I learned that when dealing with an argument you need to give both sides of the argument a fair and totally representation also I learned that you need to have very good support and evidence to support your topic.

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